Search results for: “housing”

  • Partnerships and New Strategies Expand Our Show Me Healthy Housing Work

    Partnerships and New Strategies Expand Our Show Me Healthy Housing Work

    Our pilot program Show Me Healthy Housing continues to expand in size and scope. The effort provides funding to health-related nonprofit agencies for the construction of housing as well as the provision of case management and health care services for their clients. This project is based around the concept of supportive housing, a strategy which…

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  • Show Me Healthy Housing

    Show Me Healthy Housing

    The connection between health and housing is a growing topic in the philanthropic community, and it’s not difficult to understand why. Adequate housing is at the center of many aspects of our lives, and it can serve as a sturdy anchor for those trying to get back on their feet. A safe, affordable place to…

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  • Our Journey Into Supportive Housing

    Our Journey Into Supportive Housing

    We often have days in our personal and professional lives that we’ll remember forever. April 16th, 2014, is one of those for me. That was the day that we as a Foundation began our formal journey into the issue of housing, with me as the lead. The request came from our Strategic Planning Committee, which…

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  • Navigating COVID-19: Health Policy Solutions- Housing

    Navigating COVID-19: Health Policy Solutions- Housing

    Keeping people safely housed during the COVID-19 pandemic is critical for keeping everyone healthy. And yet the economic crisis caused by COVID-19 is threatening housing stability across the nation. Temporary federal, state, and local policies have prevented some people from losing their homes, but these policies will eventually expire, leaving millions of Americans facing potential…

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  • New Foundation Program Addresses the Link Between Housing and Health

    Combining housing with a robust support system can help improve the health and security of vulnerable populations. A new program from Missouri Foundation for Health, designed to offer supportive housing for individuals with health conditions, is coming closer to fruition with the announcement of the new Patriot Place apartments in Columbia, Missouri. The veteran’s apartments, funded in…

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  • Show Me Healthy Housing Year One Report Released, Highlighting Progress, Lessons Learned, and the Value of Collaboration

    Show Me Healthy Housing Year One Report Released, Highlighting Progress, Lessons Learned, and the Value of Collaboration

    Though still early in the process, our Show Me Healthy Housing (SMHH) work is already showing impact. SMHH is the Foundation’s first foray into promoting the development of permanent, supportive housing throughout the region. In December 2016, the Urban Institute released its Year One Evaluation Report, which showcases the progress made and the lessons learned…

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  • (Re)Building a Healthy St. Louis

    (Re)Building a Healthy St. Louis

    Yesterday I attended an all-day fair housing conference at UMSL, “Segregation in St. Louis: Dismantling the Divide,” organized by the Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing and Opportunity Council. The “divide” in the title alludes to the Delmar Divide, a real and symbolic gulf between white and black St. Louisans. The conference’s keynote speaker, Richard Rothstein,…

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  • A Broken Government Reveals What Unites Us – The Net Benefit

    A Broken Government Reveals What Unites Us – The Net Benefit

    When we launched our campaign #TheNetBenefit last summer, we already knew we were dealing with a critical issue. Our goal was a timely one – to educate about the importance of the social safety net, and how we are collectively better off when our fellow Missourians have access to the food, shelter, health care, and…

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  • We All Have a Safety Net

    We All Have a Safety Net

    Recently, we’ve had no shortage of news reports about all the ways that the health and social safety net should be re-evaluated and strengthened. Most times, that translates into a push for stricter regulations for programs like WIC, SNAP, TANF, or Medicaid, making it more difficult for families in need to lead healthy lives. As…

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  • Building a Culture of Health in Our Region

    Building a Culture of Health in Our Region

    Missouri Foundation for Health is pleased to congratulate 24:1 Community for winning the Culture of Health Prize from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. In the true spirit of collaboration and cooperation, 24:1 is a shining example of various communities coming together to support and focus on health and well-being on so many levels. And, it’s…

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  • If Not Now, When? Making the Case for a Third Reconstruction

    If Not Now, When? Making the Case for a Third Reconstruction

    When we work towards health equity, we leverage community wisdom to address the root causes of health disparities. When health outcomes can’t be predicted by what we look like, where we live, or who we love, we’ll know that we’ve reached our goal.

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  • The Many Factors That Lead to Lifelong Health

    The Many Factors That Lead to Lifelong Health

    I don’t think I’m biased when I say that we have an exceptional organizational mission – “to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities most in need” – to set as the North Star for our work. But how we think about the concepts of “health” and “well-being” greatly affects how we put…

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