Missouri Foundation for Health Launches The Net Benefit


Contact: Courtney Stewart
Missouri Foundation for Health
(314) 345-5505

Missouri Foundation for Health Launches The Net Benefit
Campaign to lift up Missourians’ stories about the importance of meeting basic needs

ST. LOUIS, MO (June 26, 2018) – Missouri Foundation for Health has launched The Net Benefit, a campaign to educate Missourians about the importance of meeting our basic needs. Missourians are connected to the food, shelter, health care, and economic support they need to lead healthy lives through a combination of state and federal programs, dedicated professionals, volunteers, and community organizations. When these needs are not met, people’s health is negatively impacted. This is especially true for children, seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities.

The Net Benefit is a nonpartisan education campaign. The Foundation has brought together people and organizations across the state – from educators to health care providers, civic and faith leaders to local community organizations – to highlight that when Missourians’ basic needs are met, they have the opportunity to live up to their potential and pursue their dreams. This brings limitless value to their communities and to our state.

“Where we start off in life should not determine where we end up,” said Bob Hughes, president and chief executive officer of Missouri Foundation for Health. “We all benefit when we come together to help people who are in need. It helps our children be healthier and better prepared to learn, our adults experience better health and economic self-sufficiency, and our communities thrive.”

The Foundation collaborated with several organizations on the development of the campaign, including: the Children’s Trust Fund, Columbia Housing Authority, Empower Missouri, Missouri Community Action Network, Missouri Primary Care Association, Missouri School Boards’ Association, and Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis. With the campaign underway, the Foundation will continue to partner with people and organizations from across the state to highlight the value of The Net Benefit for all of us.

“Our communities have strong support systems, woven together by local institutions, professionals, and programs. But the leaders from these community organizations will tell you themselves – they aren’t equipped to provide all the support necessary to help Missourians in need,” said Joe Pierle, Chief Executive Officer of the Missouri Primary Care Association. The Net Benefit aims to educate Missourians about the various resources and supports that work together to help those in need and ultimately help commuinties thrive.

When Missourians have access to care, they can participate fully in their communities – and many give back to the people and places that once supported them. Karen Green of Sikeston now serves at the Southeast Missouri Food Bank after growing up in a family that relied on human services. “Now it’s like I’m reliving these programs, but I’m on the other side. I get to pay it forward,” said Green.

The Foundation will be telling the stories of Missourians who have received help during times of need, as well as those who have seen The Net Benefit of looking out for their neighbors. Missourians are invited to share their own story at mffh.org/TheNetBenefit.
