The Crucial Link Between Voter Engagement and Health Equity 


woman with "I voted" sticker
Headshot of Rachel Rimmerman
Rachel Rimmerman, Health Advocacy Strategist

You may have noticed that our website now includes a pop-up encouraging people to check their voter registration.   

Research consistently shows a strong connection between health and civic engagement, highlighting voting as a significant indicator of community involvement. 

The connection is reciprocal: individuals and communities with better health tend to engage more in voting and civic activities, leading to improved health outcomes. By participating in elections, individuals empower themselves and their communities to shape policies that influence crucial health decisions, ultimately fostering healthier living environments

Systems, like health care, public safety, and education dictate many elements of health throughout the state. Often, these systems feel outside of individual control. However, they are susceptible to change through policy actions. Voting is also a direct way to hold elected officials accountable and ensures they address health disparities and advocate for community well-being. For example, increased voter turnout can directly impact public health, like when Missourians expanded Medicaid in 2020 through a ballot initiative. 

Ready to support voter registration efforts in Missouri? Here are steps you can take and resources available: 

Educational Webinar: Join us on August 7 at 11 a.m. (CT) for a webinar hosted by Vot-ER to learn about voting as a social determinant of health and tools for voter registration and engagement. 

Check Your Voter Registration 

Important Dates to Remember:  

August 6: Missouri primary 

October 9: Last day to register to vote in the general election 

November 5: General election 

Join MFH in advocating for community health through active civic engagement. Together, we can shape policies and elect representatives that promote a healthier Missouri.  
