Questions from Grant-Seekers

What services does MoCAP provide?

MoCAP provides services in two areas:

A. Grant resources and information – MoCAP offers website resources related to federal and national grant procurement.

B. Direct support on a grant application – When an organization identifies an appropriate funding opportunity, MoCAP can support the organization’s proposal development by providing fully subsidized grant consultation services. These are designed to meet the organization’s individual needs but may include one or more of the following:

  • Proposal coordination/editing/writing
  • Content expertise
  • Assistance gathering supportive data or literature

MoCAP is not:

  • A means by which MFH submits a grant application on behalf of an organization.
  • A way for MFH to provide matching grant funds.

What types of grants can MoCAP help with?

MoCAP helps with federal and nationally competed private funding applications for health and prevention services.

What kinds of grants do not qualify for MoCAP help?

MoCAP does not help with these kinds of applications:

  • State funding agencies or private funders located in Missouri.
  • University research grants, in most cases. To use MoCAP services, university projects must demonstrate a strong connection with a community-based organization or have a strong health service delivery component. For example, MFH could not support an application for a faculty member to study emergency room utilization, but could support a medical school’s application to improve graduation rates among diverse nursing students.

How does MFH define “health and/or prevention services”?

MFH uses the World Health Organization definition: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” (World Health Organization Constitution, 1948)

Who is eligible to use MoCAP consultation services?

MoCAP resources are available to nonprofits and government organizations that provide health and prevention services to people and communities in the MFH service area.

When a request for MoCAP services is received, MFH screens the organization to determine its eligibility, readiness to apply, and fit with the specific funding opportunity. Not all organizations that request MoCAP assistance are approved.

Does my organization have to be a former or current MFH grantee to receive MoCAP help?


Is there a fee for MoCAP services?


How do I request MoCAP assistance?

As soon as your organization identifies an appropriate funding opportunity, please complete the MoCAP application. Once completed, a MoCAP staff member will follow-up with you.

Can I use MoCAP services more than one time?

Yes. Prior use does not disqualify an organization from using the services in the future.
Organizations may use MoCAP services up to twice per year.

Would MoCAP help be given to more than one organization going after the same funding opportunity?

It depends. MoCAP supports collaboration, as opposed to competition, whenever possible. If two or more organizations want to apply for the same grant and will target the same service area and population, those organizations are directly competing; MoCAP will support the work of the stronger organization or collaborative group. If two organizations are applying to serve different regions or target populations, each organization is eligible to receive MoCAP assistance commensurate with its need. NOTE: MFH does not share grant application information with other organizations competing for the same funding.

What does MFH require from organizations receiving MoCAP consulting services?

Recipients of MoCAP services are asked to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that states MFH’s expectations of MoCAP customers and consultants. At a minimum, all organizations are expected to:

  • Complete the funding application process to the best of their ability
  • Devote the necessary staff resources to the application and drive the process
  • Work effectively and efficiently with MoCAP-subsidized consultants. This includes agreeing upon a scope of work and timeline and providing all requested information in a timely manner
  • Inform MoCAP whether or not their proposal is funded and share reviewer comments

MFH does not share grant application information with other organizations.

Consultant FAQs

What criteria does MFH use to select MoCAP consultants?

At a minimum, all MoCAP grant consultants must:

  • Have successful past experience assisting community or governmental organizations prepare and submit grant applications. Consultants assisting with federal applications must have a history of success with federal funders
  • Have experience in health and prevention services
  • Be available to provide grant writing services in the timeframe needed to meet a grant submission deadline

How can I become a MoCAP consultant?

Submit the following items via email to

  • Resume or curriculum vitae
  • List of client organizations from the past five years
  • List of funded grants in which you had a coordinating or writing role, including the names of the funding organizations and outcome of application
  • Description of your topical areas of expertise in health and prevention services
  • References from client organization whom we may contact
  • Typical fee range
  • List of experience(s) serving as a grant reviewer for federal opportunities, if applicable

MoCAP consultants do not need to reside in the MFH service region. Consultation occurs via telephone, email, and rarely in-person meetings. NOTE: Consultant travel is not typically covered by MFH’s MoCAP funding.