In 2013, Missouri Foundation for Health (MFH) created the Expanding Coverage Initiative. The goal of the Initiative is to reduce the percentage of uninsured Missourians under the age of 65 to less than five percent. The Initiative focuses on three key strategies to accomplish this goal: creating awareness about the Missouri Marketplace; enrolling individuals, families, and small businesses in health insurance through the Missouri Marketplace; and building the health insurance literacy of assisters, consumers, and health care providers. MFH implements these strategies on both a regional and statewide level through the Cover Missouri Coalition (CMC) and the coalition support partners.
The Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis serves as the external evaluator for the Expanding Coverage Initiative. The evaluation is limited to a subset of the efforts being implemented by CMC, the Health Insurance Literacy (HIL) support partner, and MFH funded grantees. This report describes the external evaluation findings for the time period of August 1, 2016 to July 31, 2017.