Where We Work
Our five regions include 84 Missouri counties and the city of St. Louis. Counties are grouped into regions to match publicly available health data areas.

- Adair
- Audrain
- Barry
- Barton
- Bollinger
- Boone
- Butler
- Callaway
- Camden
- Cape Girardeau
- Carter
- Cedar
- Chariton
- Christian
- Clark
- Cole
- Cooper
- Crawford
- Dade
- Dallas
- Dent
- Douglas
- Dunklin
- Franklin
- Gasconade
- Greene
- Hickory
- Howard
- Howell
- Iron
- Jasper
- Jefferson
- Knox
- Laclede
- Lawrence
- Lewis
- Lincoln
- Linn
- Macon
- Madison
- Maries
- Marion
- McDonald
- Miller
- Mississippi
- Moniteau
- Monroe
- Montgomery
- Morgan
- New Madrid
- Newton
- Oregon
- Osage
- Ozark
- Pemiscot
- Perry
- Phelps
- Pike
- Polk
- Pulaski
- Putnam
- Ralls
- Randolph
- Reynolds
- Ripley
- St. Charles
- St. Francois
- St. Louis
- Ste. Genevieve
- Schuyler
- Scotland
- Scott
- Shannon
- Shelby
- Stoddard
- Stone
- Sullivan
- Taney
- Texas
- Warren
- Washington
- Wayne
- Webster
- Wright