Grant Writing Resources

Federal Funding Tools and Resources

  • registration process: To apply for a federal grant, your organization must have completed the registration process. There are several steps in the registration process. This can take as little as three-to-five business days, or as long as four weeks if all steps are not completed in a timely manner. Please register early!
    • Organizations must be registered in as well as to apply for federal funding. Click here for steps to validate and register an entity.
    • Additionally, organizations must have an active Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) in to receive federal funds. This is something that must be renewed annually. Organizations that have had turnover in their finance department (often finance staff are listed as the primary contact) may have an inactive UEI and be unaware of it. Click here for UEI Registration Renewal Steps.
  • Grants 101: Learn more about federal grant making process
  • Types of federal funding opportunities
  • Funding Search Request Tool
  • Federal Grant Readiness Checklist

Grant Development Tools and Resources

Best Practices: public health programs, interventions, and policies that have been evaluated, shown to be successful, and have the potential to be adapted and transformed by others working in the same field.

Supporting Data: publicly available data sets for community level statistics that can be used to demonstrate the need for specific services in your catchment area.

Grant Writing Tools